Passionate living is nothing new to Thom and Sandy Corrigan. For more than a decade the couple ran a thriving real estate business in a Denver, Colorado suburb that won awards and grew rapidly. Working together they successfully navigated the difficulties of being husband and wife and running a business. They were regularly involved in community and church activities. Their blended family expanded with marriages and the birth of grandchildren. They had a wide circle of close personal and professional friends.

So when they sold their business and their home and bought a ranch on the eastern plains of Colorado many of their friends, business associates, and family members thought they were losing their sanity. Instead, they were finding it.

“I was hitting a wall in my business, not having satisfaction and fulfillment even though I was making great money. My coach pointed out I wasn’t having any fun and suggested that I needed to get back into horses,” said Sandy. Although she had not ridden regularly in years she grew up on a ranch in South Dakota and is being the great-granddaughter of the owner of the first livery stable there. Horses are practically part of her family’s DNA.

Sandy discussed her coach’s suggestion with Thom who is not a horseman and is the more practical, analytical member of this dynamic duo. They agreed to lease a horse and Sandy began riding regularly. Profound personal and professional changes happened as Sandy interacted with horses. She lost 40 pounds and became stronger both physically and emotionally. “It turned out I was in transition and I didn’t know it. I was evaluating all of my life choices,” she said. She and Thom decided to wade further into equestrian life and purchased a beautiful mare, Grace.

Then, as often happens when pursuing a dream, their commitment and faith were tested when their mare became critically ill with a life threatening abscess near the heart. The experience would completely reshape their vision for the future. At a time when many people their age consider retirement, Thom and Sandy decided to integrate their love of horses into their lives and their business. They began searching for a ranch property to fulfill their dreams. They had an idea of where they wanted to live and the parameters that they needed to meet. The strength of their vision led them to the right property in Elizabeth, Colorado. Even though the property they bought was not what they initially envisioned or in the location they planned on, it is perfect for what they are now doing– transforming lives, communities and the world by doing good.

As coaches, they help clients find passion and purpose using their horses Grace and recent addition, Sebastian, to facilitate growth and change. As Sandy says, “Grace was healed so she could help heal others.” Thom and Sandy also assist buyers in finding the perfect home through their real estate company, Transformation Realty.

“People talk themselves out of dreams all the time because they knew somebody who had a negative experience or they thought they read something about what might happen. Their perspective of life is through the lens of what bad can come of this,” said Thom. “Retirement is not part of our vocabulary. It’s not part of our life. We enjoy working. We enjoy initiating People often ask us, ‘Why aren’t you winding down? Why aren’t you slowing down?’” he continued.

“It’s live or die for us. It’s not live, retire, die. Even if you retire from one thing now maybe you now have more time, more money, more wisdom, freedom of choice, more connections more opportunity to live out the thing that you wanted to do while you were raising your children of pursuing your career. It’s almost like having a second childhood to live out your dreams.“


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